Healing Times for Popular Piercings

Body piercings can be a permanent investment, and for a lot of people, the time and care they have to put into them can determine or detour their decision to get pierced. If you’re considering getting pierced, you should know that you’ll be investing at least a month of your time into the healing process. […]
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Body piercings can be a permanent investment, and for a lot of people, the time and care they have to put into them can determine or detour their decision to get pierced. If you’re considering getting pierced, you should know that you’ll be investing at least a month of your time into the healing process. Aftercare instructions are crucial to healthy healing. If not followed properly, the time it takes to heal can be extended greatly. Before you even read on with healing times, please know the biggest factor in the length of time it takes is you.

While every body is different, if you follow your aftercare directions, you’ll land somewhere within these ranges.

Bridge Piercing (also bindi): 4-6 months

Cartilage (tragus, helix, conch, daith, rook, industrial etc): 3-9 months

Earlobe: 4-8 weeks

Eyebrow: 6-8 weeks

Labret (below the lip, centered): 6-8 weeks

Lip (to the side): 6-8 weeks

Monroe (upper lip): 2-3 months

Navel: 6-9 months

Nipple: 6-9 months (3-4 months for males)

Nostril: 3-4 months

Septum: 4-8 weeks

Tongue: 4-8 weeks