One of the most talked about trends in body piercings today is the daith cartilage piercing and the claim that getting this ear piercing will help to cure frustrating migraine headaches. It’s small, inexpensive, and provides you with a fun and interesting new piercing that carries with it the chance that chronic headache pain will become a thing of the past.
So, what’s the deal? Does it work or not?!
Can a tiny piercing in the innermost fold of the cartilage of your ear really serve as an alternative treatment option for migraine headaches? Some adamantly argue that the soothing effect is all in your head, but what about all the pierced peers that testify this piercing has changed their lives for the better? We decided to have a chat with professional piercer, James, from American Skin Art in our hometown of Buffalo, NY to hear what he had to say about his experiences with this piercing and whether or not he believes it to have medical benefits for migraine pain that are leading many to jump on the bandwagon for this popular piercing.
Body Candy: Is the whole getting your daith pierced in order to cure migraines a myth or reality? Have you had any clients that have gained relief from frequent migraines after getting their daith pierced?
James: Mostly a placebo, but I do have clients who have had relief.Body Candy: It seems so unproven, but there are people, like you said, who have found relief…so strange! Is it similar to acupuncture as far as the results?
James: Well, I do know that medically there is no connection between the two. However, there is an acupuncture point that is very close to the piercing site where the daith would be. But since I don’t offer medical advice or practice acupuncture, the only thing I can guarantee is a beautiful piercing. That’s what I tell all my clients when asked about possible medical benefits.
So, from what our piercing expert has told us, the definitive answer isn’t much clearer as to whether or not this piercing is worth the temporary pain when all you want is less pain in your head. The connection to acupuncture may not have a medical connection to this piercing’s effects, but the idea behind both practices are similar in that both are currently being studied as alternative treatment options for headaches, with data for acupuncture indicating that the procedure provides more than just a placebo effect.
According to information found on Snopes, the claim that a daith ear piercing can cure migraine headaches is presently unproven. There is a lack of medical research and data to prove that it is anything more than a placebo effect as of right now. However, there are still many who praise this body piercing for the amazing benefits it has granted to them, with some happily pierced people claiming that they have significantly fewer migraines after getting their daith pierced as well as less dependence on drugs and medication for relief from symptoms.
From the research we’ve conducted here at Body Candy, there are plenty of cases of a positive therapeutic effect on those plagued with migraine headaches, so what do you have to lose? Try it out!
Want to be prepared for what to expect? Check out this video of proudly pierced Jen getting her own daith pierced!
No matter which way you sway on the line of whether or not a daith piercing can help with your headaches, the fact is that this is an awesome cartilage piercing that can add some serious style to your look, even if you just want something new and flashy in your ear. And the best part? With a healing time of about 6 months, you’ll be more than ready to browse the countless styles available to choose from to adorn your daith piercing including captive rings, horseshoe circular barbells, segment rings, and even septum clickers if you’re feeling resourceful!

Click any of the customer photos above to shop specifically for our hottest styles in our daith piercing category!