Today is known as Bubble Bath Day, a fun quirky holiday that celebrates one of the warm and wonderful things that gets us through the biting cold of continental winter. While there’s many ways to celebrate, including indulging in the highly recommended bubble bath itself, there’s something so lovely and feminine about bubbles that intermingling them with hearts seems a natural progression too. 3-dimensional or “bubbled” hearts can be sweet, innocent, flirty, and so much more, to compliment our every mood and whim. And just like any other fashion staple, they come in an endless variety of styles.
Whether you wear it on your belly, in your ears, around your neck, on your clothes, in your hair, or just about anywhere, the heart will always be in vogue. It’s timeless, undeniable, and perfectly suited to softening the edges of a look that epitomizes the modern lifestyle. Bubbles, plaids, and a myriad of patterns turn a simple symbolic shape into an awe-worthy emblem of, well, heart. Just choose one to fit your (hopefully cheery) disposition, and watch as the bubble love becomes contagious.