It happens to nearly all of us eventually – we get the dreaded irritation bump. In this modern world, most of us respond the same way. We get on the internet to look for advice. This is usually a great way to get information, for example this blog that you are reading right now. However not all information is created the same and there can be a lot of bad advice and misinformation mixed in with the good stuff. One of the most commonly dispensed pieces of terrible advice is tea tree oil. So, let’s start out with a very simple bit of advice – do NOT put tea tree oil on your piercings no matter how healed they are or how long you’ve had them or if it worked for someone else. And if you are wondering why putting tea tree oil directly onto your piercing is a terrible idea, please read onwards.
Tea tree oil is powerful stuff. That’s why it’s good for various minor skin ailments that are not irritation bumps on your piercing. But because it is SO powerful and because the oil is so incredibly concentrated, it needs to be diluted with a carrier oil (such as sweet almond, emu, or jojoba) before you put it on your skin. Putting tea tree oil directly onto your skin can cause skin irritation and burns. So, putting an irritant on an irritation bump is already a terrible idea and can make your situation that much worse.
Tea tree oil is also super drying. This is why people like to use it for pimples. You do not want to dry out your piercing. This will not help the bump; it will just make it dry and further irritated. An irritation bump is not a pimple, you cannot pop it and should not try. So do not try to treat one as though it were a zit, they are totally different issues. Another issue that may crop up is that tea tree oil may not be standardized. Let’s use eyedrops as an example. They are made according to regulations set by the federal government. They are tested for quality and safety and made in a regulated and monitored environment to ensure that there is nothing in them that shouldn’t be there. Tea tree oil doesn’t have that kind of oversight. It can vary in strength and potency and may not be free of contaminants. Simply put, you don’t really know what you’re getting. And you definitely want to know what you have before you put it on the open wound that is your piercing.
The only thing that should touch your piercing is sterile saline wound wash for an external piercing and the alcohol-free mouthwash that your piercer recommended for oral piercings. (Please don’t ever put tea tree oil in your mouth, that should go without saying. If you were considering doing so, please read this article twice.) If you are experiencing an irritation bump and don’t know the cause (ie: you didn’t hit it on something, sleep on it, snag it on clothing or hair and it just appeared out of nowhere) then the only way to get rid of it is to find the cause. The best way to do this is to have it evaluated by a trustworthy piercer to make sure the angle, anatomy, and jewelry are correct for the piercing. If the angle of your piercing is not correct or you don’t have the proper anatomy for it, all the treatments in the world will not make your bump go away. If you suspect that your irritation bump may actually be an infection, please seek medical attention. Don’t post pictures of your infection on the internet, just go see a doctor.
Tea tree oil is a useful treatment to keep in your medicine cabinet for minor things. However, it must be used properly (diluted) and it should never be used on your piercings. Relying on a trustworthy piercer, using proper hygiene and aftercare, and avoiding harsh chemicals are the best ways to make sure you don’t run into a situation where you might be tempted to use it. (Also, please do not put crushed aspirin on your piercings either for most of the same reasons. It will only make things worse.) Treat your piercings with gentle, loving care and you'll vastly increase the odds that they will be there to love for as long as you like.
Happy piercing!