Body Art and Extreme Modification

What’s That Called?: Facial Piercing Names and Locations

As piercing of the face, ears, and just about anywhere becomes more popular, shopping for jewelry for ourselves or as gifts for others may be more confusing.  One surefire way to be certain you’re ...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Feminine Macabre: How Piercing Culture is Playing a Role in Fashion

Gone are the days when “Goth” referred to a very specific subset of club kids with blackened lips and oversized boots covered in straps and spikes.  As alternative culture enters its mature phase, ...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Coolest Piercings You May Have Never Heard of: the Madison

The Madison Piercing is a horizontal surface piercing at the base of the neck, just above the collar bone.  Because of its placement, it is sometimes also referred to as a “clavicle piercing” or “j...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Interview Series: Firsthand Look – Dimple Piercings

Hey, piercing fans! Check out our latest interview with Body Candy team member, Tara. Here she talks about her labret, septum, and dimple piercings, and tells us all a little something about safety...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

That Celebrity Pierced What?!: Popular and Wacky Celebrity Piercings

Celebrity status is often associated with appearance. Paparazzi constantly snap pictures of stars, giving the media and the rest of us something to talk about. The way they look and what they do po...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Tattoo Tips: How to Keep Temporary Totally Original

Temporary tattoo art is amazing, fun, and well, temporary, but sometimes it can be hard to rock a temporary tattoo without feeling like your art is the same old thing.  Well kiss those body art bla...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Stretching the Boundaries: The Rise of Non-Standard Gauging

For a long time there has been a pretty clear line between what might be considered a standard piercing and what falls into the category of extreme modification.  A classic staple of extreme mods h...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Mess with the Bull and You get the Horns: Male Septum Piercings

“Oh what a cute piercing, I love how it shines on you!” Just about one of the last things that a guy wants to hear someone say to him about the new piece of metal that he’s displaying proudly.  Tod...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Beauty Isn’t Skin Deep, But Dermals Are

I’m going to start off by making it clear exactly what I’m talking about today.  When I say dermal, I’m referring to a piercing that utilizes some sort of anchor to be embedded under your skin and ...