Body Jewelry History

Natural Jewelry: Semi-Precious Gemstone Meanings and Folklore: Part Two

In our last article about the meanings and folklore of natural semi-precious stones, we covered them alphabetically A through L, and today it’s time to complete the equation.  Some of the beliefs a...
Body Jewelry History

Natural Stone Jewelry: Semi-Precious Gemstone Meanings and Folklore

We’ve all heard about the benefits of natural stone body jewelry; it’s environmentally friendly, hypo-allergenic, hardy, and beautiful to look at, as each piece of stone is unique unto nature.  But...
Multi Functional Body Jewelry

Body Jewelry Video: In the Know – Faux Body Piercing Jewelry

Follow our BodyCandy video correspondent, Kelsey, as she shows you the ins, outs, and valuable info on one of our favorite, cool Body Candy products: faux body piercing jewelry.  Lets watch! “Hi gu...
Belts and Buckles

Remembering 9/11: a Memorial Ten Years in the Making

As the tenth anniversary of one of the greatest tragedies in United States history looms, the citizens of New York begin turning East, and look to their next sunrise with a new and wondrous hope.  ...
Jewelry Fashion

Getting to the Point of Things: Because Spikes are a Punk’s Best Friend

</ My Ex Girlfriend Tells Everyone Hello But Me. Getting Back My Ex Boyfriend how to text my ex to get her back how to win my girlfriend backtext your ex back p> That’s right, spikes.  It’s t...
Men's Jewelry and Fashion

Rushing into the Season: Jewelry and Fun for NFL Football Fans

As September starts itself up, the preseason winds to a close and football season is almost upon us.  With a summer full of changes, reconstruction and some pretty good draft highlights, this fall ...

Ball Captive Rings: Amazing Multi-Tasking Body Jewelry

For anyone who doesn’t know, this is a ball captive ring (also called a BCR or captive bead ring.) These items consist of two parts: the ring with a small opening, and the ball, bead, or decoration...
Body Jewelry Information

Right Handed? Don’t Feel Left Out

What do Barack Obama, George Micheal, Sarah Jessica Parker, Phil Collins, Dan Akroyd, Bart Simpson, and Angelina Jolie all have in common? Well, for one they are awesome, but that’s not the topic o...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Beauty Isn’t Skin Deep, But Dermals Are

I’m going to start off by making it clear exactly what I’m talking about today.  When I say dermal, I’m referring to a piercing that utilizes some sort of anchor to be embedded under your skin and ...