Jewelry Fashion

Jewelry Fashion Fix: Playing it Cool for International Guitar Month

The month of April is International Guitar Month, and we’re getting ready to celebrate in style.  Since April is also the first full month of Spring, it’s time to break out some rockin’ belly jewel...
Piercing and Aftercare Information

Uncommonly Cool Piercings: the Look of the Lowbret

Visible facial piercings are becoming more and more accepted as the face of our culture changes. Do you love the look of a labret piercing but want something a little bit less common? Do you have a...
Modification Around the World

Modification Around the World: Body Art and Modern Yoga

There are many schools of yoga, traditional Hatha, Yin, Kundalini, Ashtanga (just to name a few), but one of the common threads that connects yoginis both Eastern and Western is body mod.  Many pro...
Holiday Jewelry

Body Jewelry Update: Getting Tricky

April Fool’s Day is just about here, and there’s pranks a plenty to tickle our fancy in the near future.  But what about once April Fool’s is over?  It seems a little unfair that those of us with a...
Jewelry Fashion

Dangerous Jewelry: Weapons of Mass Appeal

Apply your war paint and get ready to kill them with couture cuteness. This jewelry trend is our secret weapon on how to be fabulous. Jewelry and accessories featuring weapons and things normally f...
Body Jewelry Information

Quick take: the Standards of Gauge Sizing for Body Jewelry

  So you’re shopping for body jewelry and you see the phrase “8 gauge.”  What does that mean?  Most of us who are pierced know what gauge size is, but that doesn’t mean everyone else knows, and for...
Jewelry Fashion

Sugar Rush: Sweet Springtime Jewelry Fashion That Takes the Cake

Spring is the time for showing some skin, celebrating the warm weather, and letting your wild side peak out a little after all those frigid months kept hidden under layers.  But the sweeter side of...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Popular Modification: the Fabulous Fun of Finger Tattoos

Tattooing on the fingers has always existed, and slowly but surely it has even become a staple of modern tattoo art.  The famous image of a man’s knuckles curled into fists and emblazoned with tatt...
Piercing and Aftercare Information

Body Modification and Jewelry Trends: the Triple Forward Helix

Body piercing is at the heart of current youth culture and trendsetting; it is no longer being viewed as deviant behavior. The body is a canvas for those who are open to trying different methods of...