New Body Jewelry

Body Jewelry Update: Having a Hoot

The owl has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and protection.  Mystical, mysterious, and intense, it’s easy to see how this beautiful nocturnal bird of prey was once thought to be the creatur...
Body Jewelry History

This Day in History: Jewelry Fashion for Moon Day

Today, July 20th is a holiday, though it may be one that you’re unfamiliar with.  This is Moon Day, and it’s been declared to celebrate the anniversary of Earth’s first successful manned mission to...
Coolest Piercings You May Have Never Heard Of

Coolest Piercings You May Have Never Heard Of: The Rhino

The rhino is a cartilage piercing done vertically through the tip of the nose.  Sometimes also referred to as a vertical nose tip piercing, the name “Rhino” comes from the piercing’s resemblance (p...
Jewelry Fashion

Jewelry Fashion Fix: A Fairytale Romance

Permanent Vacation by Cooper and Gorfer (source: WGSN) The Fairytale Forest and the Romantic Mood   The fairytale forest is a place of mystery and majesty, full of the three essential ingredients t...
Body Jewelry Materials

Body Mod Connection: the Dark Knight Rises

The past few years have certainly seen more than their fare share of super hero films, with such titles as Thor, Captain America : First Avenger, Ironman, and at least a dozen more.  So it comes as...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

21st Century Tech: Modern Methods of Tattoo Removal

For most of the tattooed population, our tattoos are something we would never dream of parting with, and not just because of the cost involved.  According to recent surveys though, up to about 17 p...

Body Jewelry Update: Queen of Hearts

Destined to be the queen of hearts?  The way we see it, all ladies are.  So it’s time to celebrate all of the feminine, flirty, and utterly fabulous qualities that make the fairer sex a veritable f...

Jewelry Fashion Fix: Total Junk Food Obsession

Salty and Sweet Everybody has a little sweet tooth, and it’s definitely time to indulge it in style.  Get all of the sugar with none of the calories when you throw a little retro and a lot of paste...
Body Piercing Interviews

Video: Jojo’s Nose Piercing – Up Close and Personal

It’s time to take another trip to the piercing parlor with one of our favorite modified gals: the lovely and talented Jojo.  For those of you who don’t remember, Miss Jojo has allowed us a sneaky p...