Body Jewelry Information

Quick Take: Getting the Right Replacement Ball

So the worst has happened.  You were cleaning your piercings, and the ball to your favorite piece of body jewelry was just loose enough that it accidentally came off.  Under the refrigerator, down ...
Jewelry Sizing

Body Jewelry in Depth: Anatomy of a Lip Ring

Lip rings are a difficult subject to tackle, because so many different types of piercings can be worn in or around the lips, and a multitude of jewelry styles work there as well.  For our purposes ...
Jewelry Fashion

Jewelry Fashion Fix: Celebrating Our Coexistence

Today is Martin Luther King Day, and in honor of the esteemed civil rights activist and gifted orator, we’re breaking out some jewelry goodies that support the dream of equality, the belief in unit...
Jewelry Fashion

Body Jewelry Update: Eternal Love

Love.  You can feel it in the air (and see it just about everywhere else) as Valentine’s Day approaches.  Brilliant red trimmings and pop-up displays of heart-shaped candy luxuries litter the lands...
Modification Culture

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: The Anti-Valentine

  Valentine’s Day is coming on fast, and everyone’s getting ready for that ooey gooey love rush.  But what about people who are unattached?  Or those who had a partner and recently decided to go th...
Ear Piercings

What’s That Called?: Ear Piercing Index

Lobe: This is just a standard ear lobe piercing.  For most this piercing was originally performed with a piercing gun, but in recent years trained piercers with sterile shops have been called on to...
Jewelry Fashion

Piercing Fashion Flash: A Flower In Your Hat

Today is National Hat Day in the US.  Sounds a little bit interesting, no?  Just when you thought there was a holiday for literally everything, here comes another new one!  Actually, this unofficia...
Jewelry Sizing

Body Jewelry in Depth: Anatomy of a Tongue Ring

For the most part tongue rings come in one standard type, a straight barbell with a decoration on one end and a ball or half ball on the other.  There’s definitely more to picking out a new tongue ...
Jewelry Fashion

Jewelry Fashion Fix: Dreaming Big

Today is Make Your Dream Come True Day, and what a wonderful offbeat holiday it is.  Dreams, goals, and aspirations are common to every human being on the planet, binding us all together as a wishi...