New Body Jewelry

Body Jewelry Update: a Smile is Worth a Thousand Words

Today is Smile Day, the perfect day to celebrate being modified to perfection.  For those who have a smiley piercing, this is a particularly fun mini holiday, as the whole point of smile day is, we...
Body Jewelry Materials

Quick Take: Hypoallergenic Jewelry for Sensitive Skin

Most of us know of at least one person with an allergy to nickel.  In fact, it’s estimated that up to 28 percent of the American populace is allergic or sensitive to nickel, which is one of the lea...
Belly Piercings

Summer Piercing Photo File: Bare Belly Body Art

Standard Top and Bottom Belly Piercings Regular, run of the mill belly piercings can be worn so many different ways.  The standard banana bell is most common, but ball captive rings, spirals, and d...
Holiday Jewelry

Roses Are Red: a Celebration of Summer Love

School is out, prom is about to pass, and after all of the hubbub that comes with the beginning of a whole season of fun in the sun, all of our minds are turning to one of the best things about Sum...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Rock the Boat: Anchor Symbolism in Tattoo Art

Anchors are probably the single most popular symbol in Traditional American Tattooing. It was, and still is, popular for sailors to get anchor tattoos as a sign of experience and respect for the se...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Modify This: Let Your Fingers Do the Talking

Body modification can be performed on just about any part of the human body.  The skin can be pierced, the neck elongated, the teeth filed to points, and the waist reshaped by corsetry; even the ey...
New Body Jewelry

Body Jewelry Update: a Friend Indeed

Today is Best Friends Day and we’re so ready to celebrate!  Nobody knows you like your BFF, so why not show a little love with a cute gift that you get to enjoy together?  For belly pierced besties...
Ear Piercings

Say No to Guns: Switching to a Professional Piercer

It makes sense, if you want your car fixed you go to a trained professional auto mechanic, if you’re sick you go to a doctor, if you want a hair cut you go to a hair salon, and if you want a pierci...
Body Jewelry Information

Weird but True: Ear Anatomy and Piercing Names

Did you ever wonder how some of the more interesting ear piercings got such funky names?  Well, believe it or not, some of them were actually named after the part of the ear’s anatomy that they cor...